Purchasers want more recognition
- Position of purchasing only very good in every fourth company
- Recognition of purchasing depends on industry and company size
- Raise the profile of purchasing opposite marketing and sales
The Corona pandemic and the war in Ukraine have brought the topics of supply chains and security of supply increasingly into the focus of companies and the public. Now, Kloepfel Consulting, a management consultancy specializing in purchasing and logistics, wanted to find out how recognized purchasing currently is in companies.
For this purpose, the purchasing consultancy randomly surveyed 113 specialists and managers across all industries from February to mid-March 2022.
Position of purchasing very good in every fourth company
Just under one in four respondents (24%) think that the position of purchasing in the company is very good. 40%, on the other hand, state that purchasing is only partially recognized and would like to see it given a better status within the company. A good one in five respondents (22%) say that purchasing is recognized far too little. 14% of all respondents are of the opinion that purchasing is not recognized at all in the company.
Position of purchasing depends on industry and company size
It was found that the larger the companies, the more the work of purchasing is appreciated. In addition, there are differences by industry. Purchasing is particularly recognized in the retail sector, in the pharmaceutical industry, in mechanical and plant engineering and in the automotive sector. In service companies and in the construction industry, on the other hand, purchasing is hardly recognized.
Upgrading purchasing vis-à-vis marketing and sales
“Purchasing is often underestimated as a crisis manager but also as a yield driver. In contrast, marketing and sales are often overrated. But if, for example, you save 2.4 million euros on a purchasing volume of 50 million euros, the company would have to increase sales by almost 50% with marketing and sales to achieve a similar result,” says Marc Kloepfel, Managing Director of Kloepfel Consulting.
Duran Sarikaya, Managing Director of Kloepfel Consulting, adds: “Purchasing needs more recognition to position the entire company for the future. This also means better upskilling purchasing, integrating it more closely into product development and significantly advancing the digitalization of purchasing.”
Kloepfel Group
Christopher Willson
Tel.: 0211 941 984 33
Pempelforter Str. 50
40211 Duesseldorf
Mail: rendite@kloepfel-consulting.com