Fourth Party Logistics „at its best“
After Accenture invented the term 4PL in the mid-90’s, the business model did not develop much in the following years. In the past few years however, everyone has been talking about 4PL and large parts of the cargo loading industry in Europe have started focusing on this type of outsourcing. Nevertheless, there are very few 4PL service providers around because established logistics companies do not have independent and free access to the market due to their assets and competitors, which means they cannot offer their clients individual best-in-class solutions.
Because of this fact, Kloepfel 4PL Solutions was founded as part of Kloepfel Group’s general strategy to be able to offer their clients customized solutions in logistics and business process outsourcing (BPO). With Gerald Floß as CEO, the company has a real 4PL expert on board who has played an important role in shaping the 4PL initiative in Europe in recent years. His team includes experts from various divisions of the cargo loading industry but also from logistics service providers, with many years of experience enabling them to professionally manage a range of logistical issues.
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