Find out with the Kloepfel Potential Analysis!
With the Kloepfel Potential Analysis we find out your precive saving potentials by analyzing your entire purchasing process. You only have a little effort and you will receive meaningful results in less than three weeks. We also offer a money-back guarantee and contactless communication via video chat.
The following figures reflect twelve savings examples from over 1000 projects:
- Drawing parts: 5% to 11%
- Semi-finished products: 2% to 5%.
- Plastic injection mouldings: 4% to 10%.
- Merchandise goods: 1% to 4%.
- CAPEX: between 3% and 8%.
- Freight & other logistics: 7% to 15%
- MRO: 9% to 16%
- Insurances: 15% to 30%
- Temporary labour: 6% to 18%
- IT / TC: 5% to 20%
- Marketing / Print: 7% to 25%
- Energy: 2% to 10%.
Procedure of the Kloepfel Potential Analysis:
In advance: Clarification of open questions, agreement on the procedure
Week 1: Exchange of NDA and data request. Kloepfel consolidates and analyses the provided data.
Week 2: Kloepfel interviews purchasing and relevant departments. Consolidation of the analysis and interview results.
Week 3: Presentation of the results and optimization recommendations.
High price pressure from the retail trade
We were also able to demonstrate our competence in the retail sector. Since then, the price pressure from REWE, ALDI, Lidl and Co. on food manufacturers has increased massively. Discontinuations by Unilever and Nestlé, for example, are frightening the food industry.
We know that the buyers are doing their best. However, based on our experience and benchmarks, we are certain that we can still find and leverage six- to seven-digit savings potential in almost every company in the food industry.
Kloepfel Consulting GmbH
Christopher Willson
Tel.: +49 211 882 594 17