The year is not over yet!
With our top 10 articles of 2021, you can start the new year 2022 with a strengthened purchasing.
3 top tips against supply bottlenecks
Material shortages, procurement problems, long delivery times: Purchasing departments currently have their hands full to secure the most necessary resources for production. Because the goods must get to the assembly line! Many buyers are caught in the procurement paradox: They act out of necessity – and this obscures their view of better solutions that are not only more effective, but also more sustainable. Three tips help to break the vicious circle.
Change of supplier – How to overcome internal resistance
Purchasing regularly faces the challenge of reducing costs but fails due to internal resistance. With the traditional suppliers, a change is often very difficult and entrenched processes often stand in the way. I am not talking here about partners with whom you jointly develop products and secure your own performance. Rather, I’m talking about products and services that are largely interchangeable and easily comparable.
Digitization in purchasing: Opportunities and challenges
No stone is left unturned when digitalization takes hold: Digitalization is revolutionizing processes in purchasing. What this means exactly, which processes are being streamlined or automated, and whether “analog” buyers can still survive in the long term, tells us Kloepfel Senior Manager Ludovic Montécot.
Negotiations with monopolists
Price negotiations are particularly difficult when a so-called monopolist is involved. However, it is necessary to differentiate between real and “home-grown” monopolists. What the difference between the two lies, what the purchase has to consider when negotiating with monopolists and how to achieve purchasing optimization, reveals the following article.
Creative purchasing: How to deal with supply bottlenecks and price explosions
The importance of purchasing for functioning companies is currently made clear to medium-sized entrepreneurs once again. A wide variety of manufacturing industries are complaining about supply bottlenecks and lunar prices. Steel, aluminum, copper, plastics, electronics, electrical components and even purchased parts are causing headaches for many SMEs. Security of supply is the number one issue in many companies. Purchasing develops from being the ordering department to being the savior of production, opening up both profit-taking and new opportunities for growth.
Mitigate excessive price demands
At present, more and more suppliers are approaching our customers to pass on rising material prices to them – a tense situation, because in some cases the livelihoods of both sides seem to be at stake. One thing is clear: Not every demand can be fully fended off. But it is possible to compromise on a common path through the crisis. Thomas Wandler, negotiation expert and senior partner of Kloepfel Consulting, explains how to mitigate price demands and maintain your position in the best way possible.
3-year high in road transport prices
The current Transport Market Monitor (TMM) shows it: Road transport capacity on the spot market is causing freight prices to swing to serious heights. The correlation is clear: In concrete terms, there is currently a 3-year low in transport capacity and a 3-year high in transport costs. Here’s how German SMEs are nevertheless securing capacity and the best possible terms.
Strong supplier relationships
Visiting key suppliers on site should be a matter of course: Be it initially to select the right partner, for regular quality control or capacity checks prior to a new major order. In addition, many industries are currently showing how important good supplier relationships are for their own security of supply. Travel is only possible to a limited extent. So what can be done? Kloepfel Senior Partner Thomas Wandler reveals how the audit can be carried out on remote.
7 tips for successful sourcing despite difficult markets
In times of raw shortages sourcing is the number 1 topic for many buyers. While some suppliers can hardly save themselves from orders, others have lost reliable customers as a result of the crisis. Kloepfel partner and sourcing expert Thanh Duy Tran reveals how buyers can safely navigate the allocating market and whether it is worth changing suppliers now, with 7 sourcing tips.
Container market on a high!
Are you also affected by the explosion in air and ocean freight costs? In the wake of the pandemic, freight forwarders severely limited their capacities, and in some cases even sold off means of transport. Now they are ramping up again, but capacity remains limited, existing customers are being given preference – for everyone else, there is still downtime and profiteering. What can you do as a willing new customer? Sebastian Krings, partner and logistics expert at Kloepfel Consulting, on price and negotiation levers in the ocean and air freight business.
Christopher Willson
Kloepfel Group
Tel.: 0211 941 984 33
Pempelforter Str. 50
40211 Duesseldorf